Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Setup, setup and more setup + 1st photos!

Well I have had 3 straight nights of solid clear viewing with my new scope - the first night was just eyepiece viewing and learning what the heck a "polar align" was and the other few nights were spent attempting to take some photos with my color DSI II. Below you will find the first two objects I was able to take photos of - M37 and M33. I'm still learning a lot about the correct process of taking astrophotography shots so please forgive me for the very poor quality photos (should be way better as time goes on). Rest of the week I think will be cloudy so might not have any new shots for a while.


Anonymous said...

Cool pics! The M37 is in color? How did you get that to happen?

ASMR Destiny said...

The way that I processed the M37 photo was different from the way I processed M74. I used plain JPG single stack mode for M37 which resulted in one final processed photo (too bad it was out of focus). For M74 I tried using a more advanced processing mode where each color (RGB) and luminosity are separate files. In this case, the RGB files turned out to have a lot of noise so I just scrapped them and used the luminosity images which were a lot better.

I’m looking forward to my next photography session – I’m going to go back to either M74 (spiral galaxy) or M31 (Andromeda galaxy)…I really want to get some good color shots and this time my focus/setup should be dramatically better.